

junho 2019



RESUMIDO #19 — Conta-gotas
(convidado: Glenn Greenwald)

Written by , Posted in Digital, Urbanidades

No RESUMIDO #19 entrevisto o jornalista e advogado Glenn Greenwald, co-fundador do The Intercept, responsável pela #vazajato, analisando a importância desse trabalho jornalístico. Além disso, tem: inteligência artificial, espionagem e verdade; privacidade, Fortnite e Alexa e sistemas de recomendação. Vamos nessa!

Participe da campanha Apoia.se/resumido!

Abaixo, todos os links comentados nessa edição. O podcast está disponível em todas as plataformas, incluindo Spotify e Apple Podcasts.


APOIA.se - Financiamento Contínuo e Coletivo para quem Faz
Link to APOIA.se – Financiamento Contínuo e Coletivo para quem Faz

APOIA.se – Financiamento Contínuo e Coletivo para quem Faz

Seu clube de assinaturas na maior e mais especializada plataforma do Brasil.



You can train an AI to fake UN speeches in just 13 hours
Link to You can train an AI to fake UN speeches in just 13 hours

You can train an AI to fake UN speeches in just 13 hours

Deep-learning techniques have made it easier and easier for anyone to forge convincing misinformation.

Experts: Spy used AI-generated face to connect with targets
Link to Experts: Spy used AI-generated face to connect with targets

Experts: Spy used AI-generated face to connect with targets

LONDON (AP) — Katie Jones sure seemed plugged into Washington’s political scene. The 30-something redhead boasted a job at a top think tank and a who’s-who network of pundits and experts, from the…

Ex-CIA officer Kevin Mallory sentenced to 20 years for spying for China
Link to Ex-CIA officer Kevin Mallory sentenced to 20 years for spying for China

Ex-CIA officer Kevin Mallory sentenced to 20 years for spying for China

Former special agent jailed for selling classified US ‘defence information’ for $25,000 in 2017

Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg Defends Not Removing Doctored Nancy Pelosi Video
Link to Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Defends Not Removing Doctored Nancy Pelosi Video

Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Defends Not Removing Doctored Nancy Pelosi Video

Speaking at Cannes Lions, the COO said the social network would welcome regulation, adding, “Companies like ours shouldn’t make as many decisions as we do.”

What Hong Kong's Protesters Can Teach Us About The Future Of Privacy
Link to What Hong Kong’s Protesters Can Teach Us About The Future Of Privacy

What Hong Kong’s Protesters Can Teach Us About The Future Of Privacy

Something odd happened in Hong Kong last week. Protesters against a controversial proposed extradition bill were afraid to use their metro cards. Instead of swiping their cards through the turnstiles of the city’s rail system, they lined up to buy single-journey tickets with cash, apparently worried about “leaving…

Fortnite makers grilled by MPs over ethics
Link to Fortnite makers grilled by MPs over ethics

Fortnite makers grilled by MPs over ethics

MPs ask whether Epic Games does enough to prevent users spending too much time or money on the game.

Link to Alexa could spot your cardiac arrest—by listening to your breathing

Alexa could spot your cardiac arrest—by listening to your breathing

If you’re unlucky enough to have a cardiac arrest, your chances are not good. Of the roughly 400,000 people who experience one every year in the US, less than 6% survive. It is the leading cause of natural deaths. However, the likelihood of survival is much higher if you get help quickly: immediate resuscitation can double or triple your chances.


Justiça proíbe artistas de rua no metrô, após ação de Flávio Bolsonaro
Link to Justiça proíbe artistas de rua no metrô, após ação de Flávio Bolsonaro

Justiça proíbe artistas de rua no metrô, após ação de Flávio Bolsonaro

Decisão do Órgão Especial do TJ-RJ foi divulgada nesta segunda-feira

Your Daily Drive: Music and News That’ll Brighten Your Commute — Spotify
Link to Your Daily Drive: Music and News That’ll Brighten Your Commute — Spotify

Your Daily Drive: Music and News That’ll Brighten Your Commute — Spotify

If it feels like you’re always in the car, you’re not alone. Americans log 70 billion hours behind the wheel each year, with a big chunk of that time spent commuting to and from work or school. To help make that time fly by, stay up to date on the world around you, and maybe… Read more »


Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva!)

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