

agosto 2010



"As vezes fazer alguma coisa não leva a nada", Francis Alÿs

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“As vezes fazer alguma coisa não leva a nada”

Esses três vídeos estão sendo exibidos na exposição de Francis Alÿs, na Tate Modern:

“Alÿs’s work starts with a simple action, either by him or others, which is then documented in a range of media. Alÿs explores subjects such as modernising programmes in Latin America and border zones in areas of conflict, often asking about the relevance of poetic acts in politicised situations. He has used video projection and film but also spreads his ideas through postcards. Painting and drawing remain central to his work too.”

Mais um pra conta do simples e genial.


“Zapatos Magnéticos”

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