yoko ono Archive



agosto 2011



Doc: "Bed Peace" (Lennon & Yoko)

Written by , Posted in Urbanidades

“Dear Friends,

“In 1969, John and I were so naïve to think that doing the Bed-In would help change the world.
Well, it might have. But at the time, we didn’t know.

“It was good that we filmed it, though.
“The film is powerful now.
“What we said then could have been said now.

“In fact, there are things that we said then in the film, which may give some encouragement and inspiration to the activists of today. Good luck to us all.

“Let’s remember WAR IS OVER if we want it.
“It’s up to us, and nobody else.
“John would have wanted to say that.

“Love, yoko

“Yoko Ono Lennon
“London, UK
“August 2011”

Motivada pelos recentes distúrbios em Londres, Yoko Ono disponibilizou a íntegra de “Bed Peace”, até o dia 21 de agosto.

O documentário foi filmado em 1969, quando John e Yoko organizaram um protesto pacífico pela paz mundial, direto de suas camas de hotel em Amsterdã e Montreal, conhecidos como bed-ins. Os eventos chamaram muita atenção da mídia, funcionando como palanque para propagar os ideiais do casal.

Eles queriam a paz. E os malucos são eles.