imagens de arquivo Archive



outubro 2019



RESUMIDO #34 — Tecnologias imperfeitas

Written by , Posted in Digital, Urbanidades

No RESUMIDO #34: loucura coletiva nas redes sociais, millennials anti sociais, anonimato impossível, revolução chinesa, TikTok e Apple, decupando o VAR, fotos analógicas, Rock in Rio, Rastros de Resistência, imigrantes e um reggaezinho pra relaxar.

Abaixo, todos os links comentados nessa edição. O podcast está disponível em todas as plataformas, incluindo Spotify e Apple Podcasts.




Assine e colabore diretamente para realização do RESUMIDO!


Preta Gil escreve ‘parabéns' em post de Lucas Lucco anunciando morte do filho
Link to Preta Gil escreve ‘parabéns’ em post de Lucas Lucco anunciando morte do filho

Preta Gil escreve ‘parabéns’ em post de Lucas Lucco anunciando morte do filho

A cantora refez o comentário após ser alertada

Geração Z: antes mentíamos aos pais para sair, agora mentem aos amigos para ficar em casa
Link to Geração Z: antes mentíamos aos pais para sair, agora mentem aos amigos para ficar em casa

Geração Z: antes mentíamos aos pais para sair, agora mentem aos amigos para ficar em casa

Saídas para bares, festas e encontros mudam de acordo com o uso das tecnologias

You’re very easy to track down, even when your data has been anonymized
Link to You’re very easy to track down, even when your data has been anonymized

You’re very easy to track down, even when your data has been anonymized

A new study shows you can be easily re-identified from almost any database, even when your personal details have been stripped out.

France plans to use facial recognition to let citizens access government services
Link to France plans to use facial recognition to let citizens access government services

France plans to use facial recognition to let citizens access government services

The news: France is planning to incorporate facial recognition technology into a mandatory digital identity for its citizens, Bloomberg reports.

Three threats posed by deepfakes that technology won’t solve
Link to Three threats posed by deepfakes that technology won’t solve

Three threats posed by deepfakes that technology won’t solve

As deepfakes get better, companies are rushing to develop technology to detect them. But little of their potential harm will be fixed without social and legal solutions.

That “Wearable Face Projector” Hong Kong Protesters Are Supposedly Using Is Obviously Not Real
Link to That “Wearable Face Projector” Hong Kong Protesters Are Supposedly Using Is Obviously Not Real

That “Wearable Face Projector” Hong Kong Protesters Are Supposedly Using Is Obviously Not Real

After months of protests in Hong Kong following proposals to allow extradition to mainland China, clashes between police and protesters have become more wi


Como a China passou de país pobre e rural a potência mundial em 4 décadas
Link to Como a China passou de país pobre e rural a potência mundial em 4 décadas

Como a China passou de país pobre e rural a potência mundial em 4 décadas

Sob a ideia de um “socialismo com traços chineses”, líder Deng Xiaoping rompeu com o status quo e implementou uma série de reformas econômicas, centradas na agricultura, num ambiente liberal para o setor privado, na modernização da indústria e na abertura da China para o comércio exterior.

Pageantry in Beijing. Firebombs in Hong Kong.
Link to Pageantry in Beijing. Firebombs in Hong Kong.

Pageantry in Beijing. Firebombs in Hong Kong.

The split-screen contrast between the two cities on the 70th anniversary of Communist Party rule in China laid bare an intensifying crisis.

The Game of Life: Visualizing China's Social Credit System
Link to The Game of Life: Visualizing China’s Social Credit System

The Game of Life: Visualizing China’s Social Credit System

This infographic explores how China’s proposed social credit system will monitor and surveil citizens, and how it’ll be used to reward or punish them.

TikTok explains its ban on political advertising – TechCrunch
Link to TikTok explains its ban on political advertising – TechCrunch

TikTok explains its ban on political advertising – TechCrunch

Already under fire for advancing Chinese foreign policy by censoring topics like Hong Kong’s protests and pro-LGBT content, the Beijing-based video app TikTok is now further distancing itself from U.S. social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with a ban on political ads o…
Apple removes app used in Hong Kong protests after pressure from China
Link to Apple removes app used in Hong Kong protests after pressure from China

Apple removes app used in Hong Kong protests after pressure from China

“This app violates our guidelines and local laws.” 全港即時地圖 - Hong Kong Live Map
Link to 全港即時地圖 – Hong Kong Live Map 全港即時地圖 – Hong Kong Live Map




Sonho Rio
Link to Sonho Rio

Sonho Rio

lost slides
Link to lost slides

lost slides

now found

Rastros de resistência – Panda Books
Link to Rastros de resistência – Panda Books

Rastros de resistência – Panda Books

Como diz o autor, essas “histórias não são apenas um pedaço de cada povo antigo: são pedras fundamentais para reconstruir novos impérios culturais africanos pelo mundo”. Trata-se de uma obra indispensável, que registra o histórico de lutas e resistência do povo negro.


Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva!)